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Download problems? - make sure you have enough space

If you're having problems downloading, check that you have enough space on the drive where the 4K download folder is.

I had intermittent problems with downloading and in the end found that this was due to there not being enough space for the download. Larger downloads wouldn't work due to there not being enough space, whereas a smaller one would as there was still enough space for it.

It is always a good idea to make sure that there is plenty of space on the download drive as, even if there is just enough space for the download to save, there may not be enough space for anything else that might need to use the drive. As a consequence, a download may be erratice or very slow.

Unfortunately, the current 4K Downloader doesn't detect if the drive has insufficient space, so there is no warning or error message

Petro , 30.12.2018, 11:29
Idea status: under consideration


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