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Partner with Patreon and integrate suggestion therein, if the channel creator is on patreon, you can give a general suggestion to support the Youtuber on Patreon, there's so much help they can get and in the process you can get a little bit benefit f

In the past, i used to download complete youtube channels but never thought about giving back. Now i make it a point to either give back to the Youtube community or not at all use it because there's a lot of effort that goes into making each video, speaking from personal experience and there's a lot of pain and sleepless nights involved but the return are not that grand always, some people struggle years before even reaching an active Audience of 100k subscribers and even then they don't accumulate genuine supporters, i am against forming cults but when it comes to supporting a creative person, i'd say we should give back then only we would be able to fully realize the benefits and value of the content being shared with us.

Jatin Nandwani , 25.04.2018, 06:56
Idea status: under consideration


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